Transform Your Body, Evolve Your Game

A forum for discussing your body, your swing, and your game with relevant exercises and tips for improvement

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fit at the Tee at San Diego Golf Fest 2010

What a fun few days! Zach, Kevin, Adam and I had the pleasure of spending the weekend meeting hundreds of passionate golfers and puting them through a 3D Motion Analysis. One thing I continue to find so interesting is how differently people swing, yet achieve the same results. It reminds me that even among the pros, their swings vary so greatly, but all have the same sequence with their pelvis, thorax and hands. We had a great time watching some interesting swings and then seeing how efficient they were in 3D. When given the opportunity, we did some physical screens on golfers and found that the most glaring problem among those golfers was the inability to touch their toes. Not being able to touch your toes could be indicative of hamstring inflexibility and lack of hip or low back flexion leading to early extension, loss of posture and many other potential swing killers. In our next blog we will show you how to touch your toes in minutes, even if you haven't done so in years!

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